Monday, December 19, 2011

The burl Clock

This is the first attempt at making a clock from one of the pieces of red gum burl from the Taree load of wood. The burl was not quite wide enough so Matt sliced it up the middle and added a strip of cedar to the middle which also forms the part where you hang it on the wall. He added a base as well so the clock can also sit on a surface if preferred.

We bought a cheap clock from one of the bargain stores then transplanted the mechanism into this clock. It keeps remarkably good time.

The numbers were engraved into the timber then painted black. Several coats of gloss lacquer later and voila! One pretty fancy clock.

Veronica at Fusspots Cafe fell in love with it straight away and bought it for $90.00 (mates rates) and it is now hanging proudly on her living room wall.

Matt has since made another circular burl clock and donated it to our local Lions Club to be raffled next year. It too is keeping good time.

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