Our back door as created by Matthew. This was a regular old fashioned timber door that was between the kitchen and hallway. It was in the way of the pantry every time I wanted to open it so he removed it and replaced the existing back door with this wonderful creation.
He wanted a Medieval style door and achieved this by cutting shaping and painting pieces of craft wood for the hinges and borders. He used squares of hardwood painted silver for the "studs".
The handle is also a Matt invention and he says it makes the door much easier to open. He has one of those handles on the bathroom door a well.
Now, on the inside of the door Matt has painted a scene as if you were looking out from a stone tower window down to the village and on to the harbour.
There is only a little left to do and the scene is complete.
Not to be out done, I decided to paint a similar scene on the toilet door but with a slight difference. I have gone for the Greek Island theme but still using the same stone arched window that you are looking out of.
I just have the bit near the door handle to finish off and a little more detail generally and it will be finished.
Now that summer is here and the weather is warming up, it will be easier to spend time on the verandah to finish the painting, after all painting is not a lot of fun when it is so cold.
Until next time, ciao.
I am gobsmacked.. What an amazing myriad of talent you have. Love the doors !!