Friday, December 10, 2010

The work Christmas party

1983 was a good year for me. I had a job that I loved with a legal firm that was full of great people. I found these photos recently, scanned them into the computer and decided to make this layout. That's me in the yellow get-up by the way.
In fact Nancy (in the pink dress with the blue trim) gave me my first job as a secretary. Neville (in the cream suit) was a clever man who used to write little ditties about the staff and present them as a show each Christmas. 1983 was the year that I wrote one about him much to the amusement of the rest of the staff. It was a fun time.
Anyway, after I created the layout, through the wonders of modern technology, I found Neville and Nancy at their current places of employment and emailed them a copy. Talk about a trip down memory lane. I have not seen or spoken to either of them in 27 years. Has it really been that long? I got a nice email back from Nancy but have yet to hear from Neville. You gotta love the internet.

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