Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Two Guitars

Here ladies and gentlemen, we have an acoustic bass guitar (left) and a steel string guitar made with love by Matthew.

Each is signed and numbered. The fronts were made from Australian Cedar and he has used seasoned hardwood and blue gum for the rest. In fact the blue gum (which is featured on the neck and the head of the smaller guitar) was part of a load of firewood we picked up in winter.

They both have a nice sound and good tone. Not bad for his first go at a musical instrument. Now all we need is some guitar legend to drop in and show us just how good they really sound.

Ricky Turner, where the bloody hell are you??? Or Dez and Karen Williams, you guys would make them sound great.

Over and out for today. Linda


  1. Oh my, you are a true craftsman. The use of the wood is equisite.....

  2. Oops sorry, meant to say Exquisite....
